When you recognize yourself, the world recognizes you.

This is the key to a beautiful life. When you understand that self-recognition is more powerful and lasting that any amount of self-improvement, your world expands. The heart of Doreen Calderon’s work lies in transformative conversations. She allows you to see for yourself the truth of a situation instead of paying a coach to “fix a problem”. You will leave with fresh insight, a peaceful feeling, and knowing exactly what to do next. Doreen is your catalyst for impact, which can be had in an instant or over the course of a coaching relationship.
If you want clarity around:
What it is you want,
What you’re up against, and
What you’re not seeing, then

Schedule your FREE 20 Minutes HERE. (New clients only.)

“From the very first session, it helped me to re-prioritize my goals and see truths I’d been avoiding. 10 sessions in, I’ve accomplished all of my big goals, including finding a new manager, finishing 2 different writing projects, and starting up a lecture series I’ve been thinking about doing for years. I recommend her to everyone I know both loudly and frequently.”  ~ Peter Gamble Robinson, Screenwriter Office Uprising, Los Angeles

One-On-One Impact Catalyst Coaching
  • This is designed only for those who are sincere about transformative change.
  • I will help you become that person who gets what they want, and achieves what they set out to do.
  • 90 minute sessions, twice a month that accommodate your schedule.
  • You will be accountable for reviewing your notes, committing to actions, and showing up prepared.
  • You will have access to me five days a week.
  • You will get free admission to my monthly workshops.
  • You will have free admission to my TakeAction!Groups
  • Six month contract – $4000.
Action Group Plus* – Three Month Goal Setting
  • *Prerequisite: Completion of one round of  TakeAction! Group.
  • Seasonal Sessions working alongside TakeAction! Group,  Winter (JAN.-MAR.), Spring (APR.-JUNE), Summer (JULY-SEPT.), Fall (OCT.-DEC.).
  • Meet on days/times that are most convenient for you.
  • 30 Minutes twice a month for three months, on Zoom.
  • Get personalized actions, bringing you closer to your goal(s), leaving each meeting with at least three actions every two weeks.
  • The Secret Facebook Group membership, providing access to resources, support, and community with like-minded artists.
  • Schedule HERE – $300 total

Doreen Calderon works with professionals who understand that reaching their next level requires consistent actions supported by a coach. Intuitively, everyone knows what they need to do. Her job is to point you in a direction that inspires action. You’ll never be told what you “should” do. Instead, your inner voice will awaken and instruct you to your next best action – she’ll make sure of that!


“Doreen talks not to impress you with what she knows, but instead to empower you with thoughts that ignite in you actions for your greatness and way of being. Doreen doesn’t grandstand, but quietly and with focus delivers a wealth of precise information just for you.” 
~S.Ganz, Portland, OR

Not sure yet? Get a FREE, no obligation, 20 minute session HERE.